What does mutual masturbation mean Masturbation
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What does mutual masturbation mean?
Masturbation - Wikipedia
Mutual masturbation means self-stimulation (a fancy term for Masturbating is usually something that people do by themselves, but it's still.
Description:Mutual masturbation is when two or more persons touch, caress, massage or stroke the genitals of each other, usually with the goal of producing pleasure and orgasm. Sometimes this takes place as part of 'heavy petting' between a couple, but it can also occur between one or more friends. When it occurs between friends it is more often than not done with a same-sex friend, usually without there being 'romance' involved. Mutual masturbation does occasionally happen between two people who do not know each other. As with 'heavy petting', petting below the waist and inside the pants and underwear, and then only if the same hand touches both person's genitals meaning that when touching yourself and then your partner, you can transfer body fluids, including sperm, to your partner's genitals.
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